The nominating committee is the only PTA committee that is not appointed by the president. This committee is elected by the membership at least two months prior to the election of officers. Determining when to elect the committee and how many people to elect is outlined in the PTA  bylaws. Most units should be electing the nominating committee no later than January or February for the election of officers in March or early April.

The committee needs a balance of newer and more experienced PTA members, all of whom should be knowledgeable about PTA and who are:

  • Aware of qualified potential nominees

  • Familiar with the eligibility requirements and the qualifications necessary for the offices to be filled

  • Willing and able to devote adequate time to the responsibilities involved and maintain confidentiality.

Don’t overlook student and teacher members.

The election of the nominating committee should not be a popularity contest based on willingness to serve nor should it consist of the PTA executive board. The PTA president never serves on the committee, and the parliamentarian serves only when elected to serve. The principal may be elected, but should at least be an advisor to the group. No person may serve on the committee for two consecutive years.

Interested in serving on the nominating committee? Contact Aydan Mirza